The Drama Na Umra Ki Seema Ho is based on the story of a self-made business Man and a girl who is much younger than him. She works in his office. They fall in love. The problem is the difference in their ages. No one will agree to on their meetup. Vidhi is a cute and beautiful girl. She is very innocent. Another boy who works in the same office also likes Vidhi. But in Vidhi’s heart there is only Dev.
Na Umar Ki Seema Ho Full Episodes in HD
- Genre: drama, love story, romance
- Directed by: Dharmesh Shah
- Type: Soap Opera
- Studios: Hotstar + Disney
- Channel: Star Bharat
- Episodes: 108
- Duration: 23 Minutes / Epi
- Quality: 1080p HD
- Cast: Mohammed Iqbal Khan, Rachana Mistry
- Video source: Vkspeed and Dailymotion